Peptide Calculator

Sequence summary

Peptide sequence:RPKPQQFFGLM
Molecular formula:C63H97N17O14S
Molecular weight:1347.71
N-terminus:H (Unmodified)
C-terminus:OH (Acid)

A ChemDraw structure for your sequence is available

Calculated properties

Theoretical pI:11.51
Estimated ε (280 nm)
All Cys pairs disulfide bonded:-
All Cys residues reduced:-

Sequence difficulty

A plot of calculated β-strand contiguity for your sequence is given below. This may indicate possible regions where aggregation-related coupling difficulties could occur during your synthesis.

Ion series

Calculated ion series for your peptide are given in the table below. Assignments of MS peaks (if provided) are highlighted.

+6H+ +5H+ +4H+ +3H+ +2H+ +H+
[M] 225.63 270.55 337.94 450.25 674.86 1348.72
[M - F] 201.12 241.14 301.17 401.22 601.33 1201.65
[M - G] 216.12 259.15 323.68 431.24 646.35 1291.70
[M - K] 204.28 244.93 305.91 407.55 610.82 1220.63
[M - L] 206.78 247.93 309.66 412.55 618.32 1235.64
[M - Met] 203.79 244.34 305.18 406.57 609.34 1217.68
[M - P] 209.45 251.14 313.67 417.89 626.34 1251.67
[M - Q] 204.28 244.94 305.92 407.56 610.83 1220.66
[M - R] 199.61 239.33 298.91 398.21 596.81 1192.62
[M + O] 228.29 273.75 341.93 455.58 682.86 1364.71
[M + Pbf] 267.79 321.15 401.19 534.58 801.36 1601.72

Peak assignment summary

Peptide Calculator has attempted to assign your MS peaks to singly-charged species. The results are summarized in the table below (a calculated mass is given for each assignment).

Peak (m/z) Deletion(s) Adduct(s) Losses(s) Calculated Mass
1301.7K, L, PNa+, Pbf, O-1301.47
K, 2PNa+, Pbf-1301.50
L, P, QNa+, Pbf, O-1301.50
2P, QNa+, Pbf-1301.54
1348.1 (M+)---1348.72
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