In an effort to implement a consistent nomenclature across peptoid building blocks in the Peptoid Calculator database, the following conventions have been adopted:
- Where possible, building block nomenclature has been chosen that is as similar as possible to that found in the literature.
- Building blocks with side chains analogous to those of amino acids are named after the corresponding amino acid if the N-terminal nitrogen of the building block bears those atoms attached to the alpha carbon of the corresponding amino acid (not including the alpha carbon), e.g. NArg.
- Building blocks with side chains analogous to those of amino acids but differing by one carbon are named after the corresponding amino acid with 'h' (homo) preceding the amino acid code if the building block contains one carbon extra, e.g. NhArg, or 'n' (nor) preceding the amino acid code if the building block contains one carbon less, e.g. NnArg.
- Capitalization within building blocks is in line with the literature where possible.
- Amino acid components of peptoid building block names are capitalized.
- Two or more names have been included for selected building blocks to accommodate multiple naming conventions where appropriate.
While building block names may differ from those found in the literature in some cases, it is envisaged that the naming scheme chosen will result in consistent naming across building blocks in the Peptoid Calculator database.
Please note that Peptoid Calculator sequence input is case sensitive.